Welcome to Onest Schooled

School Management System

Onest Schooled is a powerful and feature-rich school management system that is built using the Laravel 9 framework. It offers a wide range of features including online admission, student info, academic, fees, examination, transaction, attendance, report, language, homework, staff manage, subscription, contact message, website setup, gallery, library and settings integration.
With Onest Schooled , users can easily apply online admission and show reports. The system supports multiple language.
Overall, Onest Schooled is an excellent choice for individuals and organizations looking for a comprehensive school management system that is packed with features and easy to use..

Key Features

  • Easy installation process
  • Fully responsive and dynamic user panel
  • Easy to signup & sign in
  • Forgot password
  • Good-looking & user-friendly front-end
  • Easy to manage site contents
  • Managing Users and Roles
  • Student management
  • Staff management
  • Academic management
  • Fees management
  • Examination management
  • Attendance management
  • Library management
  • Managing Language
  • Managing Settings

Server Requirements


To begin installation Onest Schooled your server must have to satisfy some requiremnts as well as some extensions.

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQLi
  • GD
  • cURL
  • date. timezone
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • allow_url_fopen
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

File Writable Permissions


Please make sure you have set the writable permission on the following folders/files:

  • /routes
  • /resources
  • /public
  • /storage
  • .env


Create Database


Do not use a password that contains a #(Hash) character (It will be treated as a comment).

You’ll need to create a new database along with a user to access it. Follow the steps below:

  • Create a new database a name e.g onest_school
  • Create a database user and set up a password like P@$$w0rD!!23 (make sure enough strong password)
  • Add the user to the database and give the user All privileges to the database

Most hosting companies provide an interface to handle this or you can run the SQL statements below.

                CREATE USER 'hrm_db' IDENTIFIED BY 'hrm_db@@'; 
                GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onno_db.* to hrm_db@'%' identified by 'hrm_db@@'; 
                FLUSH PRIVILEGES;



Before going for installation make sure to fulfill the requirements and writable permissions and created database, Database user.


Just simply follow the steps, and our installer will handle all the process of installation. You don't need to do anything manually.

  • Step:1 Download Main_File.zip from CodeCanyon
  • Step:2 Extract Main_File.zip
  • Step:3 Go inside the "source_code" folder and make zip all files & folders.
  • Step:4 Upload the zip file to your server public_html or www or root directory.
  • Step:5 Extract the uploaded zip file
  • Step:6 Make sure you have uplaoded .env file from source_code to your server public_html or www or root directory.
  • Step:7 Open the browser and hit your server URL. Example: https://examplenews.com/
  • Step:8 Welcome to installation, click Get Started button
  • Step:9 Check server environments, permissions & if all okay then click continue
  • Step:10 Now verify your licence code.
  • Step:11 Now enter your database name, username, password. Then check force delete previous table if have previous tables in database
  • Step:12 Now enter superadmin login credentials as you want
  • Step:13 Congrates! You have successfully intalled. click go home button

Before going for installation make sure to fulfill the requirements and writable permissions.

File Setup

Just simply follow the steps, and our installer will handle all the process of installation. You don't need to do anything manually.

  • Step:1 Download Main_File.zip from CodeCanyon
  • Extract Main_File.zip
  • Go inside the "source_code" folder and make unzip all files & folders.
  • Upload the zip file to your server public_html or www or root directory.
  • Open the browser and hit your server URL. Example: https://examplenews.com/

Admin Panel Usage Guidelines


By registration, you are accessing your facility we are protecting your information and facilities you can access them by login to your account In this section, you will have a login page where you have to provide your email and password to access your facilities.

Home Page

Forget Password

It is possible that many times you will forget your password so we have a forgot password option where you have to provide your email to get reset the password link in your email.

Home Page

Admin Dashboard

This is the super admin dashboard where the admin can see all status and revenue at a glance. We have dark mode available for every page. For login to admin, use credential while installing the project.

Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page


In this section, you can show/change personal information.

Home Page
Home Page

Online Admission

In this section, If someone applies for admission, they can be managed from here.

Home Page
Home Page

Promote Student

In this section, A student can be promoted from one session to another or from one class to another.

Home Page
Home Page

Class Setup

Classes can be set here, and it will be possible to have multiple sections in each class. All of these can be managed from here.

Home Page
Home Page

Subject Assign

Subjects can be set here, and teachers can be assigned to specific subjects/classes. All of these can be managed from here.

Home Page
Home Page

Class Routine

Class routines can be set here, specifying when and which teacher will deliver classes for each subject.

Home Page
Home Page

Fees Master

Here, fees can be added, and they can be divided based on groups.

Home Page
Home Page

Fees Assign

Here, fees can be assigned to students based on fee groups specified.

Home Page
Home Page

Fees Collect

Fees assigned to students can be collected from here.

Home Page
Home Page

Exam Assign

Here, the total marks for each subject's examination can be set, and the tasks related to marks distribution can be performed from here.

Home Page
Home Page

Exam Routine

Examination routines can be set here, allowing for the management of when and which subjects' examinations will take place.

Home Page
Home Page

Mark Register

Here, marks determined for the examination can be registered based on which financial calculations can be made.

Home Page
Home Page


Here, daily attendance of students can be taken according to their classes, and notes can be recorded alongside.

Home Page
Home Page

Issue Book

Here, it is possible to manage when and how many books a user has borrowed from the library, as well as when those books need to be returned.

Home Page
Home Page

Task Schedules

Here, the task of generating a merit list for viewing results is done by compiling everyone's results together.

Home Page
Home Page

Student & Parent Panel


This is the control panel for students and parents, where they can perform various tasks and access everything.

Home Page
Home Page

Subject List

In this section, you can see all assigned subject list.

Home Page
Home Page

Class Routine

In this section, you can see assigned classes.

Home Page
Home Page


In this section, you can see assigned and paid fee list.

Home Page
Home Page

Fees Pay

After click Pay button from Fees list you will show an Fees Pay Popup Modal.

Home Page
Home Page

Exam Routine

In this section, you can see assigned exams.

Home Page
Home Page


In this section, you can see exam results.

Home Page
Home Page


In this section, you can see monthly attendance report.

Home Page
Home Page


General settings

In this section, you can change general options, for example application name, logo, session, language etc.

Home Page
Home Page

Payment Gateway settings

In this section, you can change your payment gateway credentials. If you choose PayPal then show an option Payment Mode (Sandbox/Live). You can set your Sandbox/Live or both credentials.

Note: For real transaction you need to set your PayPal Payment Mode to Live not Sandbox.

Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page


In this section, you can add languages to your application.

Home Page
Home Page


In this section, you can add session to your application.

Home Page
Home Page

Softwate Update

Steps to follow

  1. Download & Unzip 'Main_File.zip' file.
  2. Zip 'source_code' folder
  3. Upload source_code.zip to your project root directory, extract the zip and confirm replace all.
  4. Login as admin and go to Setting->Softwate update and click Database Update button.
Home Page


We are working on some more features. For example: Homework / Assignment, Dormitory Management, Transport Management, Face Attendance ect. Once these features are done, I will be able to provide better service. Apart from the above mentioned features we have many more features.
We have a beautiful frontend. From here you can apply for admission in addition to news, events. Results can be seen. A message can be provided if required.

Help & Support

Thank You!

Again, thank you for purchasing Onest Schooled If you need some help or support please use the email or contact form via codecanyon Profile site. Hope you happy with the Onest Schooled, all the best with your business.