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OnestDrax - Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit with User Manager, Role, Permission, Language Manage with RTL & More.

We are glad to introduce to you OnestDrax - Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit with User Manager, Role, Permission, Language Manage with RTL & More., a great deal of completeness and compact Starter Kits for web application Laravel developers. A starter kit is a set of things needed to get something created or set up. Here we can rep to a good start to build any type of Laravel application. Here we are providing only what's necessary to build any Laravel application. We have features like User $ Roles, Language, Setting, etc. Basically, this OnestDrax - Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit with User Manager, Role, Permission, Language Manage with RTL & More. web application is built under Laravel Version 9.

Key Features

  • Easy installation process
  • Fully responsive and dynamic user panel
  • Easy to signup & sign in
  • Forgot password
  • Good-looking & user-friendly front-end
  • Easy to manage site contents
  • Managing Users and Roles
  • Managing Language
  • Managing Settings

Server Requirements


To begin installation OnestDrax - Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit with User Manager, Role, Permission, Language Manage with RTL & More. your server must have to satisfy some requiremnts as well as some extensions.

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQLi
  • GD
  • cURL
  • date. timezone
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • allow_url_fopen
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

File Writable Permissions


Please make sure you have set the writable permission on the following folders/files:

  • /routes
  • /resources
  • /public
  • /storage
  • .env


Create Database


Do not use a password that contains a #(Hash) character (It will be treated as a comment).

You’ll need to create a new database along with a user to access it. Follow the steps below:

  • Give your database a name e.g laravel_starter_kit
  • Create a database user and set up a password
  • Add the user to the database and give the user All privileges to the database

Most hosting companies provide an interface to handle this or you can run the SQL statements below.

                CREATE USER 'hrm_db' IDENTIFIED BY 'hrm_db@@'; 
                GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onno_db.* to hrm_db@'%' identified by 'hrm_db@@'; 
                FLUSH PRIVILEGES;



Before going for installation make sure to fulfill the requirements and writable permissions and created database, Database user.


Just simply follow the steps, and our installer will handle all the process of installation. You don't need to do anything manually.

  • Step:1 Download Main_File.zip from CodeCanyon
  • Step:2 Extract Main_File.zip
  • Step:3 Go inside the "source_code" folder and make zip all files & folders.
  • Step:4 Upload the zip file to your server public_html or www or root directory.
  • Step:5 Extract the uploaded zip file
  • Step:6 Make sure you have uplaoded .env file from source_code to your server public_html or www or root directory.
  • Step:7 Open the browser and hit your server URL. Example: https://examplenews.com/
  • Step:8 Welcome to installation, click Get Started button
  • Step:9 Check server environments, permissions & if all okay then click let's go next
  • Step:10 Now verify your licence code.
  • Step:11 Now enter your database name, username, password. Then check force delete previous table if have previous tables in database
  • Step:12 Now enter superadmin login credentials as you want
  • Step:13 Congrates! You have successfully intalled. click go to home button

Before going for installation make sure to fulfill the requirements and writable permissions.

File Structure

Header file Structure

Footer file Structure

Super Admin Panel Usage Guidelines


A registration process is where you can register some users with their specific identities. We do it because we want to give different users different facalitys. For this purpose in this section, you will have a registration form where you can input your Name, Email, Phone, Date of Birth , Gender, Password, Confirm Password, and agree to the privacy policy and terms.

Home Page

Email Verification

After registration, you will have this verification email on your email. To Verify it you click the link then you will be registered

Home Page


By registration, you are accessing your facility we are protecting your information and facilities you can access them by login to your account In this section, you will have a login page where you have to provide your email and password to access your facilities.

Home Page

Forget Password

It is possible that many times you will forget your password so we have a forgot password option where you have to provide your email to get reset the password link in your email.

Home Page

Reset Password Mail

To Reset Password you will get this mail

Home Page

Reset Password

By clicking your forgot password link from your email. You will have a reset password option where you have to provide your email and password and confirm password.

Home Page

Super Admin Dashboard

This is the super admin dashboard where the admin can see all status and revenue at a glance. We have dark mode available for every page. For login to Super admin email: [email protected] password:123456

Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page
Home Page

Light Mode

In this section, you can light/dark mode if you click light you can see Light mode or if you click Dark you can dark mode.

Home Page

Change Language

To change language first, click the language button then select language it will make change your language

Home Page
Home Page

Super Admin Profile

In this super admin section, you can look after all network management. You will have the ability to manage the access and level of responsibility of all users on all sites on your network. You can manage network and site features including access to themes and privacy settings. You can reset passwords and change users’ profile details and can access all the Super Admin menu items via the Network Admin dashboard.

Home Page

Update Profile

In this section you can see and update your profile details like name, email, date of birth, and phone.

Home Page

Change Password

In this section you can update your password

Home Page


In this section, you can see you profile.

Home Page


General Setting

In these General Settings, you can configure the broad settings of your site including changing your application name, footer text, white logo, black logo, favicon, and default language. You can change these settings at any time by going to Settings > General Setting, making your desired changes, and then clicking the Update button.

Home Page

Storage Setting

In this section you can choose your file system it can be local or s3. If you chose s3 then you can update your AWS ACCESS KEY ID, AWS SECRET KEY, AWS DEFAULT REGION, AWS BUCKET,and AWS ENDPOINT.

Home Page

Recaptcha Setting

You know Recaptcha protects your website from fraud and abuse without creating friction. Recaptcha uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your website. So we are providing you with Recaptcha Settings. Where your Recaptcha Sitekey, Recaptcha Secret and you can make active or Inactive your Recaptcha Status.

Home Page

Email Setting

We want to validate only real emails on our site. For this, we have to use some email hosting sites like Google Workspace (G-Suite), Microsoft 365 Email, etc. For different sites, we have to use different settings so in this section we are providing you to update your Mail Drive, Mail host, Mail Address, From Name, Mail Username, and Mail Password and you can update your Encryption.

Home Page

User & Roles


In this section, the Super admin and admin can see all users. They can add new users where they have the power to give new user permission to create, update, or delete from the website. Like a visitor won't have permission to update settings or add new users or roles they will have only read permission. Or maybe we can have a moderator who can only add a new language and read permission to some features.

Home Page


In this roles section, the Super admin and admin can see all roles and can create, delete and update new roles like manager, developers, moderation, visitors, etc.

Home Page


In this language section super admin, admin, and permitted person can see all languages and can create, delete and update new language. You can add and update the language name, code, and icon. Here if you add a new language like Arabic we have features where you all text of website will come to you on one page you just have to write the opposite of English in Arabic. And also have LTR and RTL facilities.

Home Page

API Authentication

Register User REST API

This is this section you will create and setup sercure rest api authentication in our application using sanctum package.Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs (single page applications), mobile applications, and simple, token based APIs. Sanctum allows each user of your application to generate multiple API tokens for their account. These tokens may be granted abilities / scopes which specify which actions the tokens are allowed to perform.

Open the Postman app, select the Post method from the dropdown. Enter the route or URL in the address bar, select the Body section, enter name, email, password and confirm the password and click on send to create a user using laravel sanctum auth api.

Available Endpoints
Method URl Parameters
POST /api/register { name, email, password }
Home Page

Login User REST API

Add the following URL in the postman address bar, switch the method to POST, enter email and password and click on send to login a user.

Available Endpoints
Method URl Parameters
POST /api/login { email, password }
Home Page

Static Tools

Dashboard 1

Home Page
Home Page

Dashboard 2

Home Page
Home Page

Dashboard 3

Home Page
Home Page

Dashboard 4

Home Page
Home Page

Basic Pricing

Home Page

Pricing Table 1

Home Page

Pricing Table 2

Home Page

Pricing Table 3

Home Page

Form Elements

Home Page
Home Page
Home Page

Input Group

Home Page

Form Validation

Home Page

Sign In

Home Page

Sigin Up

Home Page

Reset Password

Home Page

Recover Password

Home Page

Basic Table

Home Page

Data Table

Home Page


Home Page

Promotional 2

Home Page


Home Page

Greetings 2

Home Page

Reset Password

Home Page

Verify Email

Home Page

Approve Account

Home Page

Reset Password

Home Page


Home Page


You will have more features like a User profile will have an overview. Authentication will have Error403, Error404, Error 500, Error 502, Comming soon, and maintenance page. The FAQ will have Classic FAQ and Extended FAQ. The timeline will have Basic Timeline, Split Timeline, and Centered Timeline. The chart will have an Apex chart and Chartjs. And more feathers like Multi-level, Widget, ECommerce, Icon, Components and many more.

Help & Support

Thank You!

Again, thank you for purchasing OnestDrax - Laravel Admin Dashboard Starter Kit with User Manager, Role, Permission, Language Manage with RTL & More.. If you need some help or support please use the email or contact form via codecanyon Profile site. Hope you happy with the Laravel & Bootstrap Admin Starter Kit, all the best with your business.